Automate your Android workflows using GitHub Actions

Supercharge your team with CI/CD for Android using GitHub Actions

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61 copies sold ($1,192.80)

Course last updated: 21/05/2024

When it comes to developing Android Apps, there's so much more than building features. We need to think about the entire development process, from checking our code functions, to making it available to users on application stores. While we can manually handle all of these tasks, this puts extra responsibility on our developers, opens up room for error and doesn't scale well as our team grows.

In this book, learn how we can use GitHub Actions to introduce Continuous Integration and Delivery into our Android projects. With its low effort and extensible API, we can create worksflows specific to the needs of our project, taking our development workflow to the next level.

What you'll learn


Workflow Foundations

Learn a range of fundamental concepts surrounding GitHub Actions, giving you essential knowledge for working with the framework and build your own workflows outside of the provided examples


Unit Testing

Run unit tests across your Android project with your Actions workflows. You'll learn how to run them for the whole project, along with conditionally running them for changed modules in Pull Rqeuests


Integration Testing

Learn how to run UI tests across your Android project using both Emulators and Firebase Test Lab. We'll cover how to run these for both the whole project, and conditionally for changed modules


Workflow Triggers

You'll learn various ways to run workflows through different events that are triggered within your GitHub repository - including pull requests, manual triggers, git tags and more


Releasing Builds

So that we can automate releases to the Play Store, you'll learn how to build app bundles and APKs within GitHub Actions, Sign then and then Upload them to the Play Store for review + release


Nightly Builds

Using a combination of triggers and scripts for automated versioning, you'll learn how to uitlise scheduled workflows to build and release nightly releases through GitHub Actions

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Third-party tools

Learn how to integrate with external tools in our development workflow, such as communicating with Slack and Jira from directly within our Actions workflows


Optimising checks

We'll cover various optimations you can make within your actions - such as calculating changed modules in pull requests to isolate test runs to changed code


Number of team members:





  • ebook (ePub, azw3, PDF and HTML)
  • 380 pages of tutorial content
  • Source Code
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Frequently Asked Questions

Totally! I want this to be accessible to everyone. Please disable any VPNs and you should see a banner with a discount at the top of the page. Otherwise, please send an email to and we'll send you over a discount code 😊

The project will be periodically updated with the latest versions of any used Actions, mainly for major version changes so that things are kept up-to-date.

Because this is a digital download, we don't offer refunds on purchases. If you're unsure about purchasing the product, please check out the preview download at the top of this page.

Both the code from the projects and the code samples in this book comes with the Apache License 2.0. Please be sure to read these licenses if you are going to be taking the code into some of your own projects!

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